Hearts and roses
are not only symbols of love and beauty,
they are symbols of hope and reassurance.
Deep within winter's gloomy skies,
blustery winds, and frozen temperatures,
hearts and roses lift us out of the dreariness
of winter's clutches and take us
into visions of love and beauty.
they are symbols of hope and reassurance.
Deep within winter's gloomy skies,
blustery winds, and frozen temperatures,
hearts and roses lift us out of the dreariness
of winter's clutches and take us
into visions of love and beauty.
The blowsy Redouté rose painted on the porcelain cup is
as perfect as its true-life inspiration,
the fresh rose stem with its rosy flower and rose-tinged buds.
The greeting card depicting a cup filled with roses
is also a true rendition of the real-life rose stem and buds.
Where does the real flower end and
the printed ones begin?
A small bouquet of three stems is all the vase will hold.
Oh, but that is enough when the stems are loaded with buds
and perfect little blossoms.
Could there be any more perfect bouquet to say,
A rose-filled heart vase, a rose-covered cup, and a rose printed card
chase away the winter doldrums.
So much beauty and happiness in a single flower
just when our spirits need it most.
Whether the flower is real, in a vase, on a card, or on a cup,
we feel the beauty and smile,
happy in our hearts,
happy in our imaginations.
Hearts and roses
midst winter throes
promise days of summer will come again.

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