To all the mothers
on this special day...
A bouquet filled with beautiful flowers
tumbling out of the vase in all directions...
like a Mother's love that spills out of her heart
in all directions...
A closer look at both flowers and
a mother's heart reveals
the beauty
of untidy compositions.
Red roses, white hydrangea, and white tulips...
all neat, disciplined beauties
that anchor the floral arrangement.
Daily meals, nightly baths, laundered clothes,
homework lessons, earnest heart-to-heart talks...
homework lessons, earnest heart-to-heart talks...
all solid, relentless rituals
that are a mother's love.
Wild honeysuckle vines and scurfy peas,
their tendrils wildly spilling over the vase's edges,
give the floral arrangement its untidy,
but exuberant, look.
Giggling, tickling embraces,
chocolate chip cookie baking lessons,
wild cheering from the bleachers,
prom dress shopping excursions...
untidy events spilling out of a mother's heart..
a mother's loving exuberance.
Together, the neat disciplined flowers and
the wild unexpected vines create a beautiful arrangement
that captures our hearts and
lingers in our memories long after the flowers fade.
the wild unexpected vines create a beautiful arrangement
that captures our hearts and
lingers in our memories long after the flowers fade.
To Mother, with love

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