Botanic Bleu Market

Easter Tablesetting | Pink and White

Monday, April 8, 2019

With Easter two weeks away now is a good time to begin planning your Easter decorations for family gatherings. 

Amber of Follow the Yellow Brick Home is hosting over 30 bloggers with Easter ideas in a Hop Into Easter Blog Hop. Be sure to visit all the links at the end of the post for Easter ideas to use in your own home. 

If you are following the links in order, then you came from My Thrift Store Addiction and her whimsical Easter decor. Thank you for stopping by and welcome to my Easter table setting. 

For Easter this year my table setting is in traditional Spring pastel colors, and two things determined the pink and white color combination. One a flower, and the other, a birthday present. 

Easter tablesetting pink ranunculus centerpiece

E A S T E R   T A B L E S E T T I N G  

P I N K   &   W H I T E 

A   F L O W E R 

Easter tablesetting pink ranunculus centerpiece
Pink ranunculus flowers with their tissue-thin petals fading from dark pink to shades of white fool the eyes into thinking they are not real. Surely these perfectly formed delicate flowers are artificial, but no, they are real. 

Easter tablesetting pink ranunculus centerpiece
The nursery had many ranunculus in a range of colors, but as soon as I saw the pink one, I knew it would be a stunning centerpiece for an Easter table. 

Easter tablesetting white ceramic Easter egg design flower vase
A white storage jar designed like an Easter egg is the right size to hold the ranunculus flower in its original nursery plastic pot. Preserved moss dresses up the potted ranunculus. Keeping potted plants in their original containers makes it easier to remove them from a vase or container used as a centerpiece.

Easter tablesetting white ceramic bunny handled lid
The lid to the storage jar has a bunny handle which adds to the table decorations. 

Easter tablesetting white ceramic Easter egg design flower vase with bunny salt and pepper shakers
With a stunning flower in a fun seasonal container as a centerpiece, only a few additional decorations are needed on a small dining table. 

Easter tablesetting pink ranunculus centerpiece, rose linen napkins, wood egg, white ceramic egg vase, white ceramic salt and pepper shakers
White ceramic bunny salt and pepper shakers, ceramic napkin holders, and natural-colored wooden eggs complete the Easter table decorations. 

A   B I R T H D A Y   P R E S E N T  

Easter tablesetting pink ranunculus centerpiece, rose linen napkins, wood egg, white ceramic egg vase, white ceramic salt and pepper shakers
Not only is the flower a beautiful harbinger of Spring and Easter, the multiple pink colors go well with a set of rosy linen napkins and plaid fabric placemats. 

Easter tablesetting rose linen napkins, white ceramic napkin ring, wood egg
This set of eight linen napkins was the last birthday present one of  my brothers gave me. He helped my sister plan a surprise significant birthday garden party for me two Springs ago, and these napkins were his present to me. He died last Winter before my next birthday. Using these napkins is a special way of remembering him and his joy in parties. 

Read about that special birthday party and how my brother helped with the party at Spring Garden Party

Easter tablesetting rose linen napkins, white ceramic napkin ring, wood egg on antique French Country dining tablre
The pink and white Easter table setting is on my antique French Country breakfast table in the kitchen sunspace area. The large windows bring Spring right into the house. 

French style plate stand with white dishes, Spanish lavender, white bunny
The French-style plate stand near the dining table holds the rest of the set of the white dishes used for the Easter table setting. 

French style ceramic white planter, Spanish lavender, white bunny on plate stand
With only a few additions, the white dishes are easily updated to any season of the year. A Spanish lavender plant and a white bunny declare the Easter season this Spring on the plate stand. 


Beautiful unusual flowers and presents from family members are two great items for creating a special table arrangement. I hope you found an idea or two that sparked creative ideas for your own home. 

Next up is Rosemary & Thyme with her latest post for Easter decorating. 

S O U R C E S 

Pink Plaid Placemats - Pier I, many years ago 
Rose Linen Napkins - World Market, two years ago 
Bunny Napkin Rings, Salt & Pepper Shakers, Storage Jar - Botanic Bleu French Country Spring Event 

More great ideas for Easter . . . 

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