Botanic Bleu Market

Callie the Model Cat

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Often when you least expect it, something good happens in your life. Like Callie, the model cat, coming to live with me. 

Not all pets are model pets. Callie had a litter of kittens, and two of them also made me their person. As much as I love them, they are not model cats like their mother Callie. 

Now, I never in my wildest dreams thought I would become a cat lady in my old age, but here I am, 

a cat lady with a model cat
and two not-model cats.   

My sister is the real cat lady in our family, always has been since her childhood. In fact, she is part of the reason Callie came to live with me, one snowy, freezing night in January five-six years ago. My sister was the one who spotted Callie sitting atop the snow on our top step outside the French doors. I shared the story of Callie and all my cats in the post Three Cats and a Fox

Callie loves being around her people. When I take pictures, she comes around, as if to say, "What are you doing?" 

She is photogenic, my model cat, but she is also so lovable, and never meets a stranger. She greets everyone politely, but with affection, allowing them to pet her, but does not jump on them. We think she is a Maine Coon cat because of both her physical characteristics and her gentle, loving nature with people as described in What's a Maine Coon? 

My other sweet kitties run and hide when they hear the doorbell ring. They must take after their fathers, not their mother. 

Curious, she follows my movements as I take photos, looking left, then right. 

When I call her name, she looks directly into the camera, as any model knows to do. 

Sweet, lovable, Callie 

a model cat in looks and actions.  

How strange and sad that someone left such a beautiful, loving cat out in the wintry cold. 

But, how fortunate for me she landed on my doorstep seeking a home. 

Please join me at these inspiring places for more joy of living. 

Dishing It and Digging It @ Rustic and Refined