Botanic Bleu Market

Photography - 102

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Recently one of the all time Rock Stars of blogging told me the two most important things needed for bloggers to improve and to gain a wider audience are photography and finding your tribe. Somehow, I already knew that photography was key to reaching a greater number of people, but hearing it from a super Rock Star Blogger turned my instinct into a pressing reality. 


What creates stunning photography?

While a good camera is what most people believe is the most important factor in taking excellent pictures, there may be one thing even more important than a good camera.

A good eye. 

Money can buy a good camera, but training eyes to create stunning photos is much harder and more subtle than shopping for good hardware. The photo above could be better. I know that background is critical to good photos. The blurred greenery is good, but the vertical wooden post and the metal ladder are distractions that do not add to the overall composition. 

Nonetheless, good equipment makes photos from photographers with a "good eye" even better. Photography ~ 101 is all about what to look for in buying a good camera. 

Photography ~ 102 is how to improve photos taken with good cameras. 

Blogging Rock Star after Rock Star testify that the next big leap in their photography came with using a tripod. Crisp, clear photos require no movement of the camera while taking the photo. Shaky hands cause blurred photos. As hard as you try, you cannot keep your hand perfectly still while taking a photo. 

The photo may look crisp, but the same shot taken with a tripod will be even crisper. 

A tripod has been on my wish list since buying my first DSLR camera, but other things in the budget, like replacing a falling-down deck, kept moving a tripod down the wish list. Recently my brother-in-law casually commented that he had a tripod that he no longer used and wondered if I would like to use it. 

GASP.... would I like to use his tripod? How fast could I say, "YES, thank you?" 

Today he found the tripod and showed me how to use it. Just look at this beauty. As he explained how to use each feature, I was overjoyed. The long wand allows the angle to change vertically and horizontally. Pure excitement in seeing how to use the tripod increased with every new feature. 

There are two levels on the tripod. How exciting is that? I can still focus on training my artistic eye since the levels take the guesswork out of my leveling eye. Will my photos be stunningly SQUARE without needing to straighten them in editing software? These two levels make it sound like it is possible. 

Even more exciting features... the tripod has a vertical extender. 

Learning how to use the timer feature on the DSLR camera will take tripod photos up one more notch. 

Dear readers, remember that a good DSLR camera and a tripod will improve photographs, but do not promise stunning photography. A good eye is needed. 

Good eyes take beautiful photographs with simple point-and-shoot cameras, including phone cameras. 

Photography ~ 102 is all about improving photos... 

using good equipment and good eyes.  

Just wait until you see my photos of the new deck under construction at my house! There is a sneak peek of it in this post. Most of the before and during photos were not taken with a tripod, but you better believe the after photos will include shots taken with a tripod. 

I am taking the advice of my Blogger Rock Star friend, and I am working to improve my photography. What about her second recommendation ~ finding my tribe? I am working on that, too. There is exciting news coming soon about a new feature each week at Botanic Bleu. 

For you see, my dream for Botanic Bleu is for it be beautiful in images and words, and to offer readers content worth reading, with a little French inspiration. 

Thank you for reading and for being a part of "my tribe." If you are not already following Botanic Bleu, I would love to add you to my tribe. Follow me by getting every post delivered straight to your email or follow me by Bloglovin'.  See the top right to enter your email or to click on Bloglovin'. 

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