Botanic Bleu Market

Proud To Be An American

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Proud to be an 

everywhere ... 

even in the middle of nowhere ... 

Especially in the middle of nowhere... 
that proudly and boldly celebrates being an American... 

Booneshill Rd, Delina, Tennessee 

A 4-way STOP in rural America 
with an old country store on the corner... 

An American flag is a recognized symbol of our country all over the world. 

But, Old Delina Country Stor(e) is a symbol of our country, too. 

A symbol of our liberty to pursue 

T H E  A M E R I C A N  D R E A M...  

Small independent stores owned by individuals, not corporate America, 
are symbols that the American Dream is alive and thriving. 

The Dream to be whatever we want and to do whatever we want  
without a dictatorial government, deep-seated century-old traditions, or a rigid caste system 
forcing us into pre-determined paths 
of where we live and of which vocation we choose. 

Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness 
are still the dreams of people everywhere. 

The United States of America 
is still a dream destination for oppressed, desperate people worldwide. 

Our system is flawed, not perfect, but there is no other place I want to call home. 

To be able to sit peacefully on my porch, 
to own a small business, and 
never to fear for my freedom 
make me 

Proud to be an American 
on this Memorial Day and every day of the year. 

Thank you everyone who has served or is serving our country 
to protect all that we cherish to maintain the American Dream, 
a Dream that is unique for each of us.  

What makes you proud to be an American? 

Please join me at these inspiring places for more joy of living. 

Dishing It and Digging It @ Rustic and Refined