Botanic Bleu Market

Stars, Trees, Angels in the Christmas Master Bath

Friday, January 8, 2016

The twelve days of Christmas come to a close on January 6, 2016 and so do the Christmas decorations in my house.  Some people remove all their Christmas decor on December 26, some by New Year's Day on January 1, but following the tradition of French Christmas celebrations, my decorations remain until Epiphany, January 6.

Christmas in the Master Bathroom

includes stars, trees, and angels. 

In keeping with the rest of the house, the Christmas decorations in the master bathroom focus mainly on natural greenery with a few golden accents.  The mostly unadorned tree leans in the ceramic wastebasket giving a relaxed country feel to the tree instead of a more formal look.  

The small live tree has just one decoration, a large glass star at its peak.  

Wired gold ribbon ties the three-dimensional star to the top of the tree's main branch. 

The bow and the ribbon tails that flow outward maintain their positions perfectly due to the wire. Using a narrow ribbon allows the star to "shine" as the focus instead of being overpowered by a wide ribbon. 

By placing the tree in front of the mirror, the greenery and star are doubled by their reflections. 

A ceramic wastebasket holds the tree and plenty of water.  The wide rim of the wastebasket keeps the tree securely in place. 

As always, a little French inspiration. The wastebasket is designed for the bathroom, Luxe Pour la Maison Le Bain Paris (luxury for the home bath).  

A trio of golden angels made from natural materials stands around the tree, but there is still lots of room on the vanity for everyday activities.  

The gift box is not merely decoration. It holds receipts for Christmas presents. By keeping the box on my vanity, the box is handy for me to immediately place receipts inside before I have a chance to put them in another "safe place" never to be seen again. Everyone knows not to open any Christmas packages, so the receipts remain undisturbed until needed or until discarded after Christmas. When I started doing this, it saved me lots of time and frustration searching for receipts. 

A set of purple seasonal towels hanging above the bathtub goes well with the framed bouquet of French lavender. The embroidered trees are silver colored like the frame for the lavender. Sometimes the best finds happen when I am not even looking for them. While shopping for towels for a friend for Christmas, I happened across this set that are perfect for my master bathroom. My friend received a different design and colors for her bathroom.  

The Christmas balls on the tree are bleu, the perfect shade to match the bead board walls. 

Christmas is drawing to a close for this year, but I believe Christmas is a way of life for all year, not just during the traditional holiday season. So even though the ornaments are put away and the greenery is removed, Christmas lives on in my heart. 

I will honor CHRISTMAS in my heart and try to keep it ALL the year. I will live in the Past, the Present, and the Future. The Spirits of all Three shall strive within me. I will not shut out the lessons that they teach.
A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens