Botanic Bleu Market

In Memory of Oklahoma School Children

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

As a former teacher, then administrator, 
who practiced storm drills every year in Texas,
my heart and soul are unspeakably devastated 
that children lost their lives at school
from a tornado in Oklahoma
May 20, 2013.

Oh, that we teachers could always
protect our students...
sometimes we cannot...
even though we dedicated our lives
to loving and caring for others' children 
as our own...

Prayers for all the parents and other 
family members who lost little ones...

Prayers for the teachers, administrators, 
and support staff who will 
always remember those little ones and 
whose hearts are aching for their students and 
with their parents... 

Prayers for the families of 
everyone who lost loved ones, 
especially those teachers who gave their lives 
covering their students...

Prayers for the survivors who will never 
forget the devastation and loss 
suffered on that day...

Prayers for the responders 
who have to carry those images with them
the rest of their lives...

Thank you, Lord, for providing 
those who willingly make the sacrifices 
for others... 